Dining Room Windows (Best Types To Use & Ideas)

This dining room windows gallery includes the best ideas, pros and cons, different window types, and tips on how to decorate a windowless dining room.
Kitchen and dining room combined with table, chairs, wood flooring, window, cabinets, and rugWindows are that one thing in the space that can totally recreate it. It can make or break the room that you’re designing. However, it’s been one of the most overlooked elements in a room. 

If you’re after a great view and great aesthetics, the window is a really great place to start, especially when in the dining room. Aside from being a great design element, the windows can also easily be the focal point of any room. 

The window you select can set the tone for the entire decorating theme of your dining room area. The treatments you give it can affect how your dining room looks and feels. If you want to get ahead of your design efforts, focus on choosing the right window treatments to complement it.

However, before you can even proceed with purchasing you first need to know what to look for. You need to know what options are available. You need to put important things such as your window structure into consideration.

Think about how you would like your windows to look and feel for you to get a better idea of what you really want to get. There are so many amazing ideas and there’s bound to be the perfect one that will fit in well with your design decisions of choice as well as your specific unique tastes. [toc]

Dining Room Window Ideas

Dining room with backsplash, cabinets, table, chairs, hanging light, and windowsThere are so many dining room window ideas to choose from, but we’ve hashed out the most popular ones, what they offer, and what effect they can produce on your dining room design down below.

Casement Windows

Simple dining room with casement window, round table, chairs, couch, and wooden floorsCasement windows are quite easy to operate.  They smoothly open and close and they come with a wide range of features. Therefore casement windows are one of the most popular types of windows and why they come right on top of the list.

They’re secure and stylish. But more importantly, they’re also energy efficient. Most of them are lead-free as well and they can be environmentally friendly as they are also recyclable.

Greater opening capabilities: Casement windows are unparalleled when it comes to offering ventilation capabilities.  There are no other window types out there that can open as far as casement windows can. They’re great for when you’re trying to get some cool air in on a hot summer day. 

Minimal framework and external hardware: The only separation you have from your outside view is glass. There are so separations in the class that can end up obstructing your view.

Hence, your casement windows can really give you an unparalleled viewing experience. They offer less visual clutter as the entire hardware is encased within the actual window frames. 

Increased security: These windows are one of the most secure window types in the market. The hardware is concealed within the frame, making it virtually impossible to tamper with from the outside.

Energy efficient: They work hand in hand with excellent window fitters which means that during the cold months, the heat from inside the home is effectively locked in and it does the same thing with the air conditioning during the hot summer months. You can also easily crank it open if you happen to want some fresh air.

Various glazing options: You can add in any glass design from stained glass to beveled ones. You can also easily incorporate glazing options, be it double glazing or triple glazing.

Low maintenance: Most types of casement windows come with years of warranty from the manufacturers. This means that you don’t have to worry about them rotting or needing constant maintenance from rusting and repainting. All you need to do is get your hinges lubricated to ensure it stays in optimal functioning performance.

Picture Windows

Living room and dining room combined with table, chairs, couch, floor lamp, and windowsPicture windows deliver exactly what their name suggests: a great view. They’re large and they oftentimes create an effect that’s larger than life. This can completely transform your dining room area. 

An impression of larger space: Large picture windows can completely open up your dining room, give you impressive views from the outside, and make it appear larger than it actually is. 

Increased natural light: Lighting is everything when it comes to decorating a space where you’re entertaining or spending time with your family in, such as your dining room in the home. Increased natural light also offers up energy efficiency so you get to save up on your utility bills as well.

Bay Window Dining Room

Dining room with bay window, table, rug, chairs, wainscoting, and wood floorsBay windows are modern, energy-efficient, beautiful, and they give extra space and functionality to your dining room. They’re usually a combination of three or four windows that jut out of the home.

The effect of a bay window design is gorgeous and dramatic and something that can take your dining room space to a whole new level.

More natural light: Aside from offering a panoramic view of the outside, bay windows effectively invite sunlight into your home. Its angled placement allows natural light to enter your dining room coming from multiple directions. This is something that other traditional window types can’t do.

Added style and volume: Bay windows can instantly make your dining room space appear bigger. They can make it appear so much larger and so much more spacious than it is. This is a particularly helpful feature if you have a cramped or limited amount of space allotted for your dining room area.

Great ventilation: Since bay windows are comprised of three or more windows, what this means is that you can easily let fresh air in and allow it to circulate all throughout your dining room.

Increased real estate value: Bay windows can be a great selling point for potential buyers should you decide to sell your home somewhere down the line. It increases the home’s curb appeal and gives it a look that’s both modern and clean. It can also provide extra seating space should you decide to get it constructed with a bench along the windowsill.

More storage space: You can never really have too much storage space in the home, and this isn’t any different in the living room. You can use it for extra plates and cutlery that you just don’t have space for in the kitchen as the under-seat can be fitted with a storage cabinet.

Bow Window Dining Room

Dining room with bow window, oval shaped table, wood chairs, and curtainsA bow window is very similar to a bay window with the difference being that it doesn’t stick out from the actual home’s construction. Instead of something angular, they offer a curved appearance which can make your dining room space appear very attractive.

More natural light: Bow windows offer an increased surface area for the glass and this lets in a lot more natural light compared to traditional window types.

Fully customizable: You can get your bow window decorated according to your specific design type and you never have to stick to a look that isn’t cohesive with your overall dining room’s design.

Increases overall curb appeal: It’s impressive to see from the outside but even more so from the inside. This can really elevate the attractiveness of the home and perhaps even boost your home’s real estate value should you attempt to sell.

Dining Room Built Ins Around Window

Dining room with wood flooring, table, chairs, nook seating, glass door, and triple pane windowsThe main function of a dining room in the home is to have a dedicated space where friends and family can share a meal in but it actually oftentimes serves more than that.

Dining rooms are essential for entertaining and having guests over and can be oftentimes used a lot during the holidays and special occasions. There are a lot of things you can do to upgrade the space especially when it comes to the windows you equip your dining room space with.

Here are some built-in design options you can choose from.

Built in cabinets: Storage space is an issue in most homes but even more so in areas wherein real estate can be costly and a real challenge. If you’re a bit cramped for space in the dining room area, it certainly wouldn’t hurt to add in some extra storage by having a cabinet built in right under your window area. 

You can keep it covered or you can encase it in glass if you have items that you would like to put on display such as precious china, decorative plates, or even precious cutlery such as silverware and the like.

Built in bar area: A built in bar right next to your dining room window can amp up the aesthetics and functionality in the space. If you happen to be entertaining, drinks are a must-have, be it alcoholic or non-alcoholic. A built in bar area right by your window can serve you marvelously well when it comes to that aspect.

Built in serving table or cabinet: You can have some extra cabinet space and a serving table to put dishes on instead of having to make constant trips to the kitchen to get extra dishes such as desserts or even extra servings. It puts food and drinks on display alongside your window area in the living room and can contribute to the overall aesthetics of the space.

Dining Room Window Seat: This is the most popular built-in to add to dining room windows, of course. Extra seating right by your dining room window can mean that you never have to be limited to the number of dining chairs you have. This is particularly useful for when you have guests coming over and you just don’t happen to have enough seats. 

Moreover, a window seat right by the dining room area can make your space look cozy and comfortable. If you have a large floor space allotted for your dining room, you can use this to make the space feel less sparse as well.

Kitchen Window Into Dining Room

Dining room with kitchen pass through window, round table, plates, and decor piecesThis is oftentimes nicknamed as a serving hatch or as a pass-through window. It’s technically an opening in the wall that’s at window height. It looks just like a real window only that it doesn’t open up to the outside, but instead, it opens up to the kitchen area. 

 It has the purpose of getting food items and other things served up directly from the kitchen towards the dining room, saving you the arduous task of having to walk back and forth to retrieve those said items.

Space-saving: A kitchen pass-through window offers great alternative options especially when you happen to have limited outdoor space. You can even have the option of adding in a bar top for extra space for entertaining. 

Improved flow during meals: A pass through window can make it really easy to bring food items back and forth. This makes for interesting dining conversations and a better and improved experience overall.

You can easily pass drinks, snacks, and dishes along and it can even easily contribute to the overall interaction of your guests while you’re having your meals.

Window Treatments For Dining Room

Kitchen with window curtains, table, chairs, hanging light, and wood floorsFormal dining room areas have long since evolved into something cozier, more casual, and into multi-functional areas as well. You can play around with a lot of different styles for your dining room window treatments.

When you’re picking out your specific window treatments for your dining room, it’s important to keep your particular décor in mind. 

There are also other things to consider such as the types of curtains you would like to go with, how big your actual dining room window actually is, and what amount of natural light you would like to have for the space.

You can also control the kind of privacy you’ll be getting through the kind of window treatments you’re getting for your living room windows.

Here are some of the most popular ones for you to consider.

Drapery And Side Panels

Dining room with hanging lights, table, chairs, rug, windows, drapery, and cabinetsThese are one of the most popular window treatments out there. They can be used as is. They’re great if you want to add some texture, a feeling of softness, and some color to the room. If you happen to have particularly tall windows, adding drapes in could make it look and feel more regal and dramatic. 

If you want to make smaller types of windows appear bigger, on the other hand, you can opt to get your drapes hung close to the ceiling or get them extended beyond the window frame. It can help you minimize energy loss and minimize light gaps during the middle of the day.

A more finished look: There are so many decorative options and styles to choose from. The kind of drapery you have can really bring the look together for you.

You can pick from window sheers, lux jacquards, trendy fabrics, or even artsy embroideries. There’s bound to be a fabric type out there that you can easily incorporate with the overall design of your living room. 

Roman Shades

Dining room with roman shades, round table, chairs, rug, glass door, and hanging lightRoman shades come in plenty of designs as well as materials. Most of them come with clean aesthetics and they usually don’t have exposed cords that can clutter up the visuals.

Roman shades come in full fold or flat designs. You can even have them paired with a light filtering mesh layer for some added privacy for your dining room area. 

Woven Woods

Dining room with table, chair, and woven wood shadeSee this woven wood shade set at Amazon [sponsored link]

Natural materials such as grasses and bamboo offer up a unique look for your dining room area. They make for really great window treatments especially if you want to add in a feeling of something organic and natural.


Dining room with windows, shutters, table, chairs, and hanging lightShutters are considered as “premium” window treatments. They’re durable, elegant, and more importantly, energy efficient. 

If you live in an area that has an extreme climate and your dining room space happens to get a lot of sun, window shutters are guaranteed to minimize sun exposure. They also contribute to the design elements of the room. 


Dining room with window shades, table, chairs, bar area, couch, hanging light, and wood floorsDining rooms are all about offering gorgeous views and the balance of great aesthetics and this is something that window shades can you. They diffuse natural light and offer a soft filter for the bright glare coming from the outside while also partially obscuring the view during the daytime so you get some added privacy for your dining room space.

How To Decorate A Dining Room With No Windows

Dining room with table, chairs, hanging light, and mirrorsFully enclosed dining room spaces without any windows can be a bit of a challenge. Designing it can pose some real issues even for experienced interior decorators.

Here are some of the best ways for you to decorate your dining room if you don’t have the luxury of having windows in the room.

Large mirrors: This is the easiest way for you to create the illusion of more space without putting too much work into it. Hanging large types of mirrors or mirror wall panels along the wall could make all the difference it needs for the space. You can even amp it up by having the mirror extend from the floor to the ceiling. 

This can instantly make your dining room look bigger and if you want some added design, you can even affix lighting fixtures at varying distances from the mirror. Adding drapes with it can be the perfect illusion for you creating that feeling of having a window in the dining room space.

Extra attention to lighting: Lighting is always a tricky element to deal with especially when you don’t get the help of having natural light coming into the room from a window.

The trick to getting adequate dining room lighting coverage is to not rely on just one light source. Use a lot of smaller LED lamps to create the effect of layered lighting for your dining room area. Accent lights such as adding a dining room chandelier can be great, too. 

Play around with colors, fabric, and furniture pieces: Unless you want to go for something that’s dark and somber by design, it would be best for you to stick to lighter and airier choices for your colors, fabrics, and furniture. 

Don’t put too much furniture such as an oversized dining room table or too many dining chairs in an area that can’t accommodate them. It will end up crowding the space up. Intentionally go for furniture that will maximize the look and feel of the space and make it feel more open.

Light fabrics such as linen and cotton can also be perfect as accents and they can help you make your dining room table as the main focal point for the space.

See more related content in our article about standard window sizes on this page.

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