Choosing the Perfect Shower Head Height (Standard Measurements)

Shower head height with freestanding tub large wall tile vanity with vessel sink

When designing a new bathroom or updating a current one, one essential thing to consider is the proper shower height. Shower heights will matter whether the choice is a mobile hand sprayer or a very luxurious rain shower. How high or low a shower head is positioned will make or break the entire showering routine. 

There are a lot of details to mull over when it comes to deciding how high a shower head should be installed in a bathroom. Factors like the average height of the user, construction codes and regulations, the type of shower head, and many others. [toc]

Standard Shower Head Height

Standard height for shower headIn the United States, the standard shower head height is more or less 80 inches or around 203 centimeters. This height is based on the average adult male height in the country, which averages 5 feet and 10 inches or about 178 centimeters. Although this is the standard shower height, it can still vary and be adjusted according to personal preferences and the height of the users. 

Deciding on a specific shower height is essential since it will dictate everything from how comfortable showering will be and how convenient it will be if people inside the home need more assistance. Such assistance can be a bench inside or a support bar on the sides of the enclosure. 

Another reason a homeowner should consider shower height is for people remodeling the bathroom. To make sure that their homes are following updated building codes, it’s essential to know if heights need adjustment. This rule will also apply to apartment or building owners who rent their rooms to tenants in the city or the suburbs. Another consideration is personal preference, whether a homeowner would like to install a higher or lower spray to accommodate taller guests or family members.

Height from Floor for Shower-head

Bathroom with freestanding tub picture windows large wall tiles

The ideal shower head height from the floor up will vary depending on the average height of the person in the house who will be utilizing the space. On the other hand, there are standard height dimensions that anyone can follow or make as points of reference when deciding their height, and that is a space of 72 inches to 80 inches or around 183 to 203 centimeters. 

This size is considered a comfortable enough height that the average person can have a nice shower with this height. But for some, the best option is to have a head that could be adjusted for the person’s height, especially if there are small children in the home.

If the average size of the person in a household is shorter, the best thing to do is to install it low enough that they will be able to reach it comfortably. The height of the head is usually installed so that it will allow water to flow on the person’s body instead of hitting them only one angle at a time. 

Rain Shower Height 

Rain shower heightAside from the average height of the person living in a given household, another consideration when deciding on a shower head height is the type.

Different shower heads will require different sizes when mounted. Some will require a lower elevation than a rain shower, which is an excellent option for a luxurious bathing experience. 

Rain shower heads are designed in a way to simulate the feel of standing under the rain. Because of this, it requires a larger and higher elevation when mounted more than the traditional handheld wand. 

There are two ways to install a rain shower head, either on the walls or as high as the ceiling. Both methods will have different height suggestions and requirements. For the wall mount, the usual height for most rain shower heads will range from 85 to 90 inches or about 216 to 229 centimeters. 

Rain shower heads or ceiling mounted are often combined with an adjustable shower head. The height of the room and height of the rise will dictate the distance the head can be hung from the floor. – Kitchen and Bath Design, A Guide to Planning Basics, Mary Fisher Knott

For homeowners opting to install their rain shower on the ceiling, it should be installed around 5 to 6 inches or 13 to 15 centimeters from the ceiling bed. 

Maximum Height For Rain Shower

There is no maximum height to install or mount a rain shower head since it is dependent on different factors like personal preference or features that come with the product. Although this is the case, homeowners are not recommended to install them heads too high. Installing it too high might cause problems like weaker water flow which defeats the purpose and even affect coverage. 

For homes with a ceiling height of around 8 feet, which is standard for most, the best height for a rain shower is to install it 6 to 8 feet or approximately 72 to 96 inches from the floor. This is the standard height for most, and it will also ensure that the user is getting the most out of it.

For homes with taller ceilings, gauging on whether to install it higher will raise the question of problems with water pressure and flow rate. The best thing to do for homes like this is mounting it on the wall, which can be done depending on the type. 

Shower-Head Rough In Height

Shower head rough-in measurementThe shower head rough-in refers to determining the proper locations it should be installed during renovations or home construction. It is the distance between the floor to the center of the shower pipe. This measurement is vital before installing everything from wall covering to enclosure tiles. 

The standard rough-in shower head height will start from 72 to 78 inches or about 183 to 198 centimeters from the finished tiled floor. The most common rough-in size is around 76 inches or 193 centimeters.

At the same time, the exact height for a specific home will depend on the tallest person that will be using the space. Other factors will include the shower’s design and the slope of the enclosure or wall.  

The best way for any homeowner to ensure that the rough-in size is optimal is to consult a plumber or contractor specializing in showering systems. Consulting from the get-go will ensure that there will be no costly and time-consuming changes that will be done in the future. 

Shower Spray Height Code 

The IRC or the International Residential Code does not specify a particular minimum or maximum height for shower heads. Although this is the case, it still provides guidelines regarding water control placements to make them accessible for everyone. These two dimensions are totally different but can affect the head height generally and indirectly. 

Shower controls should be mounted on walls around 38 to 48 inches or 97 to 122 centimeters from the floor. This size will make it possible for anyone to access the controls. The head, in this case, will be installed at a height to ensure more than adequate water coverage and maximum comfort for the user. 

Although some will not have a specified shower head height, it is still essential to look at local building codes, which can vary from one place to another. Plumbing fixture code source: ICCsafe

Consulting an accessibility specialist and the ADA codes will also help to ensure that renovations are on par with what is needed for it to be accessible to persons with a disability, whether in commercial or residential buildings.

ADA Shower-Head Height 

ADA shower head control heightThe Americans with Disabilities Act or ADA mandates shower heads and controls to be at a given height to ensure that they are accessible to everyone, especially people with disabilities. This will require that they be mounted around 38 to 48 inches or 97 to 122 centimeters from the floor inside. 

The best type to be used is the hand-held spray unit since it can also be fixed and manipulated simultaneously, which can be convenient no matter what. At the same time, for fixed shower heads, the best height recommended is 48 inches or around 122 centimeters at a maximum. 

How to Raise the Height of a Shower-Head (Easiest Method) 

Shower arm extenderSee this showering arm at Amazon [sponsored link]

There are many methods to raise any shower head height, but one of the cheapest and most accessible is utilizing a shower arm extender.

This device is attached to the arm and helps extend it upwards, making sure that the head can be adjusted higher or lower than the mounted height. All that it will require is loosening and retightening nut fillings to fit any ideal shower head height. 

It is attached and wrenched to the plumbing before the head is screwed on the end of the arm extender. There are specific arm extenders for specific types. This means not all extenders will work for all designs.

Ensuring that the arm extender is made from high-quality materials will also ensure longevity because cheaper ones will succumb to problems like strong water pressure or even heat of the water. 

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