Kitchen Mirror Backsplash Pros and Cons
When looking to change the appearance and enhance the value of a home, a mirror backsplash in the kitchen is a smart choice at the...... Read more.
How to Choose an Accent Wall in Living Room
An Accent wall is set off from the rest of the walls in a room giving it a specific look that often creates an attractive...... Read more.
Stucco vs. Plaster (Differences & Best Types)
When undertaking a home improvement project, two common building materials, stucco and plaster, look similar once finished. Many people can’t tell the difference... Read more.
Hardie Board vs. Stucco (Siding Guide)
Fiber cement, or Hardie Board, is a family of building products created by James Hardie Building Products located in Ireland. Hardie board is a cement-based...... Read more.
Dishwasher Dimensions (Sizes Guide)
Welcome to our dishwasher dimensions and standard size guide, including tips on how to measure for your next kitchen appliance. Dishwasher dimensions are standard,... Read more.
Why You Should Consider A Stucco House: Finishes, Colors & Designs
A stucco house finish is typically associated with the Southwestern United States, Spain, Mexico, and other Mediterranean locations. Today, this cement-like finish... Read more.
Cost to Stucco a House (Price Per Square Foot & Repair)
Here we discuss the cost to stucco a house including the price per square foot and repair. Even though stucco siding has an association with...... Read more.
What Happens When Selling a House With Unpermitted Work?
Many times homeowners perform small repairs, add enhancements to their home such as new appliances, or even add a sunroom or new front porch. Whether...... Read more.
Grand Piano in Living Room (Design Guide)
In this article we explore grand piano in living room positioning including where to place, how much room you need, and popular piano sizes. Italian...... Read more.
Renovation vs Remodel (Differences & How to Choose)
In this guide we share the difference between renovation vs. remodel including which costs more and which is best for your home design. Although a...... Read more.