Best Paint Finishes for your Bedroom

One of the best ways to make your bedroom look more appealing is to add a splash of color to every corner of the room. However, selecting the best bedroom paint is more than just giving your room design a burst of life and color. 

Bedroom with black and white interiors

Choosing a paint finish is actually another crucial factor. The secret to an eye-pleasing bedroom is not mainly dependent on the color you’ll use, but also on the paint finish which more or less influences the color quality of your room.  

For example, a paint finishes that are too glossy may reflect excessive light, which might hurt your eyes as a result. On the other hand, bland paint might seem lifeless and dreary.

Before applying a paint finish, you need to ensure that it complements your lighting, furniture, and flooring. Moreover, your paint finish should be long-lasting, eye-pleasing, and durable.

Different Types of Finishes for the Bedroom

Here are the most popular finish types and why you might want to use them.

Flat Finish

Bedroom with flat paint finish

Flat paint finish is also known as matte paint, which is mainly used for a non-reflecting finish since it basically absorbs the light in your bedroom. If your room has various lighting fixtures, flat paint finishes would be an ideal choice as it offers the least amount of reflection.

Moreover, it’s generally easier to apply compared to other types of paint finishes, and not to mention inexpensive. The only drawback, however, is it’s less durable than other paint finishes.

Meanwhile, a flat paint finish is commonly used on bedroom ceilings, while others prefer using it on bedroom walls with scratches, bumps, or holes since it usually works well in patching wall blemishes.

Satin Finish

Satin paint finish bedroom

Satin paint finish can either look glossy or flat. It’s less shiny than glossy paint but more glowing than a flat finish. However, keep in mind that if your bedroom has many lights, they might reflect on a satin paint.

This type of paint finish isn’t completely shiny but rather gives a certain glow. If you want to enhance the paint color of your choice, satin might be a good choice. It is also very durable, so it’s the safest bet for high-traffic areas.

Another good thing about this finish is it’s easy to clean and maintain. However, it’s not advisable to clean it with rough cleaning materials to maintain the overall quality of the paint

Satin is normally used for bedroom walls. The downside, however, is that it does not fix wall blemishes—it highlights them instead.

Eggshell Finish

Eggshell paint finish bedroom

Just like flat, eggshell finishes are also not that reflective. It offers a very subtle and soft finish that stands out with bedrooms that have bright lighting. Nonetheless, if the lighting is dim, the general look of the eggshell paint becomes toned down.

The eggshell finish is less long-lasting and durable than the satin paint finish. However, it holds the paint better than flat finishes. It is a great option for these walls and is likewise easy to clean.

Furthermore, eggshell paint finish is not an easy target for indoor dust and dirt. Besides, it can also  wall fix wall blemishes perfectly.

Pearl Finish

Pearl paint finish bedroom

Pearl paint finish offers a medium gloss and is very durable, classy, and easy to maintain. It’s also a good option for walls in high-traffic areas, while some types of this paint finish can even resist mildew.

However, unlike flat finish, pearl paint is hard to apply. Applying this coating carelessly might leave ugly marks and patches on the walls.

But once applied, it can be very easy to clean. Nevertheless, it’s not commonly used with bedroom walls. Rather, they are usually applied for trimming details such as door arches, window frames, or crown moldings.

Gloss Finish

Gloss paint finish bedroom

Gloss paint finish can be classified into two types: high-gloss and semi-gloss. A high-gloss finish is very shiny, light-reflective, and durable. 

It’s normally the best option for areas such as trims, doors, cabinets, and crowns. However, this paint finish isn’t recommended for any types of ceilings and walls since it’s too shiny so it might reflect too much light.

Meanwhile, semi-gloss has similar qualities to a high-gloss finish, but it’s less shiny. And, like high-gloss, it is also a good choice for trimming details or chair rails.

Best Finish for Bedroom Wall Paint

Two paint finishes are the most ideal options for bedroom walls, particularly the flat/matte or eggshell paint finishes. A flat finish can absorb light most efficiently, so even if the lights are on inside your room, they won’t bounce back onto walls and strain your eyes.

Remember, a bedroom is where you rest and sleep, so the finish should also provide the best place to rest and relax your eyes completely. 

Moreover, applying a flat paint finish to your walls will certainly guarantee an eye-pleasing effect. For one, if your walls have blemishes such as scratches or holes, a flat finish can effectively conceal them.

Aside from a flat finishes, eggshell paint is also an excellent option for walls since it’s mostly a combination of both flat paint and semi-gloss finishes. It’s also much more durable and easier to clean. Additionally, eggshell paint can perfectly cover wall blemishes just like a flat finish.

What Finish to Use for the Bedroom Ceiling

Best finish for bedroom ceiling

A flat paint finish is undoubtedly the best option for your ceiling since it allows for the least amount of light reflection, providing a relaxing view for your eyes. 

However, if you want a more durable paint finish for your ceiling, consider applying eggshell paint. It’s not completely eye-relaxing like a flat finish, but it’s at least very easy to clean.

Furthermore, it can also revamp the look of your design as it’s a little glossy at some angles, which can give your room an aesthetically pleasing effect.

What Finish for Bedroom Furniture Paint

Penthouse bedroom with dark gray walls gray flooring

To give your bedroom a chic and stylish theme, consider applying a gloss or satin paint finish to your furniture.

Once you’ve applied oil-based or latex paint to your furniture, the next step to enhance its appearance is to give it a gloss or satin paint.

Gloss and satin paint finishes are both highly durable, very easy to clean, and elegant-looking, which are the perfect choices for your furniture.

Best Combination of Paint Finishes to Enhance Your Bedroom

Overall, there’s no wrong combination of paint finishes. We’ve just discussed some of the best paint finish options you can try to enhance the look of your bedroom, making it a truly comfortable and relaxing place deserving of your inner sanctuary. 

Still, your own preference is the most excellent option and, certainly, the choice that truly matters. 

For more related content, visit this page about painting shower tiles (design guide).

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