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Interior Design & Home Improvement Topics

  • Is A Floating Wood Floor Right For Your Kitchen?

    We spend an average of 400 hours a year in a kitchen, according to the latest survey from OnePoll. Thus, if you’ve got more than…

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  • 15 Bathroom Paint Colors To Avoid At All Costs

    A bathroom is often a space for unwinding and relaxation with an atmosphere that is fresh and clean. Remember that color affects mood, so…

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  • 9 Efficient Small Kitchen Layouts For Every Floor Plan

    These days the heart of the home is not only used for prepping food but also used as an entertainment hub for family and…

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  • Pinball Machine Dimensions With Weight & Flipper Sizes

    Pinball machines make for excellent entertainment during informal parties and family gatherings. It’s a game that tests one’s reflexes, activating the flipper at the…

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  • Take the Retro Home Challenge Quiz: How Many Did You Have?

    Take a trip back in time to evaluate your home’s nostalgia rating with our fun Retro Home Challenge Quiz!How many of the items below…

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  • How Can I Make My Ceiling More Attractive? 9 Options

    Dubbed the fifth wall in interior design, ceilings present an opportunity to further elevate a space. Placed up high, plus the amount of visual coverage, the…

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  • 5 Reasons to Choose Shutters for Your Kitchen Windows

    With such a busy and versatile space, you need kitchen elements to match. Window shutters are one of the most versatile window treatment options…

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  • 15 Popular Types of Garage Layouts For Every Home

    If you’re designing and building a garage, you’ll need more than just the standard dimensions especially if you want to utilize the space to…

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  • Home Theater Viewing Distance Calculator

    Welcome to the home theater viewing distance calculator! This handy tool recommends the ideal distance to position your seats from your beloved big-screen TV.…

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